The difference between when sugar is good and bad can be confusing. It seems like its always bad, but then sugar is natural right? WHAT IS GOING ON.
Let me start off with saying that sugar is not bad for you, it IS however not great when it is not paired with fiber.
Why would I say that? Because all sugar from natural sources is created with fiber. Think strawberries, blueberries, banana, apple – they ALL come with fiber (I remind myself by relating fiber with some sort of fun texture or seeds the food has).
SO, why does fiber with sugar matter?
- sugar alone (fruit juice, sweet tea, energy drinks, ect) goes directly to your bloodstream causing a spike in your blood sugar. (HAHA DUH THATS WHY WE ALL DRINK SUGAR)
- sugar + fiber causes the breakdown of the sugar to take longer – so it is released slower into your bloodstream = no spike in blood sugar.
So, although you may be able to purchase 100% fruit juice, fake sugar drinks, 0 calorie fake sugar drinks, it all effects your body the same by spiking your blood sugar.
Bottom Line
Short term effects = energy boost followed by really tired and crash feeling. Although some sources such as honey have health benefits, it is best in small amounts.
Long term effects = consistent blood sugar spikes stress the organs that make up your body’s metabolism, this can and DOES cause complications and disease later in life.
Hope this breakdown helps you guys understand sugar and its natural function,